lunes, 5 de diciembre de 2011
DIVINA PASTORA: OUR ECO-SCHOOL Eco+animals by margavalgar
Like it? Create your own at It's free and fun!
These days we have worked in class with the environment and the possible actions we can carry out in our school to protect our planet for future generations.
Today, we are going to write an eco-code together. You will have to suggest something possitive we can DO, something we DON'T have to do and a suggestion... so, LET'S do it!
1. Have a look at the vocabulary and structures seen in class.
2. Write down 3 sentences: something we can DO, something we DON'T have to do and a suggestion with LET'S. Everything related to the environment.
3. Click on the following link:
4. Double click anywhere in the screen.
5. Write your name and sentences.
6. Check and correct your spelling.
7. Include a picture. Go to google images, and google your image. Click in "ver en tamaño o pantalla completa" and copy the URL. Paste it on your sticker.
8. Click Ok to publish.
Good luck!!
I wISh... YoU wISh... We all WiSh!!
viernes, 11 de noviembre de 2011
Bye Guillermo!
lunes, 27 de junio de 2011
What a busy day!
What do you usually do?
What time do you wake up?
What time do you go to bed?
Do you do your homework everyday?
Let's see what you do everyday!
1- Read the conversation between the flowers.
2- Answer the following questions in your notebook:
- Are the flowers busy? Why?
- What time does she wake up?
- Do you wake up at the same time?
- What time do you have English class on Mondays?
- What time do you usually go to bed?
3- Ask the questions to a partner and write the answers in your notebook.
Let's do some research!
1- Think of a person of your family (father, mother, sister, brother, cousin...) or a famous person if you prefer.
2- Now, tell us something about his/her daily routines (at least 3 habits).
Remember! To describe him/her, you need to use the present with HE or SHE plus the S of the third person! Please, don't forget to tell the time they do it! USE "AT" and "FROM - TO"
3- Write your sentences in your notebook so that your teacher can correct it.
4- Click on the following link:
5- Double click anywhere in the screen.
6- Write your name and sentences.
7- Include the picture. To do this follow the instructions:
- Go to google images.
- Look up a nice image on the Internet.
- Click "ver en pantalla completa".
- Copy the URL and paste it on your sticker.
8- Revise and click ok.
domingo, 26 de junio de 2011
WiLd AniMaLs
Do you like animals?
Can you name some wild animals?
What is your favourite animal? Let's describe it. What is is like?big or small? and the colour? What does it eat? Where does it live? What can it do?
Now, we will read and interwiew with Simon, the Cool Squirrel.
4º A:
4º B:
Do you like animals?
Who lives in a village?
Have you got a farm?
What animals are there in a farm?
What is your favourite animal? Let's describe it. What is is like?big or small? and the colour? What does it eat? Where does it live? What can it do?
Now, we will read and interwiew with Max, the Cool Cat.
martes, 7 de junio de 2011
FrUiT and FooD...
Let's see...hOW heALthY ARE yOu?
Do you like fruit?
How many fruit and vegetables do you eat a day?
Are apples healthy? And doughnuts, healthy or unhealthy?
What is your favourite food?
Now, before starting another activity, let's do a quick round saying something about your likes and dislikes: I like..., I don't like..., I love... and I hate...
We have been talking about food, likes and dislikes. Now you can read these sentences to learn some curious facts. Then we will build our wall of wishes.
Did you know...?
...bananas are not ripe until all the green has disappeared and speckles begin to appear on the skin.
...pineapples do not ripen after they have been picked - they only rot.
...An ounce of chocolate contains about 20 mg of caffeine.
...To make one kilo of honey bees have to visit 4 million flowers, traveling a distance equal to 4 times around the earth.
...The can opener was invented 48 years after cans were introduced.
...Wine is sold in tinted bottles because wine spoils when exposed to light.
...Approximately one billion snails are served in restaurants annually.
Now it is time for you to express your likes and dislikes about some "food" vocabulary you already know.
1- Write 4 sentences using vocabulary and the verbs: "love, like, don't like and hate" that we have studied in class.
2- When you have finished, show it to a classmate and decide which is the best to write down.
3- When you have decided, click on the following link to publish your likes and dislikes. BUTTTTT... your vocabulary cannot be repeated by another classmate!!
4- Finally double click anywhere in the tablecloth (mantel) and write your sentences down! Don't forget to write your name and click ok. Remember you can include pictures!!
Good luck and enjoy yourselves!!!
And remember that: "The early bird catches the worm"
domingo, 5 de junio de 2011
Happy Halloween!!
Do you like Halloween? What do you know about this festivity? When do we celebrate it?
What is your favourite disguise? and the most scary? LET'S SEE IF WE CAN DO A GREAT HALLOWEEN PARTY!
It is a nice song, isn't it?
Now it is our turn to choose a disguise for our virtual Halloween party. You have seen a lot of ideas in the song. So read carefully because everybody is going to have fun!
1- Write 3 sentences in a piece of paper. Correct them with your teacher and disscuss which is the best disguise
2- Click on the following link.
3- Double click anywhere in the screen.
4- Write your name and sentence.
5- Include a picture if you want. To do this follow the instructions:
- Go to google images.
- Look up your image on the internet.
- Click "ver en pantalla completa".
- Copy the URL and paste it on your sticker.
6- Revise and click ok.